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The vision behind my work  is to educate the younger generation.

About all aspects of being a DJ.

I have been a DJ for well over 25 years and continue to do it to fulfill the passion I have for music.

Yes there were the dark ages in the 90's when I was consumed by the glamour in the club scene. but that was just a small bump in the road.

Now a days some of the older school turntablist do not let the art of the DJ expand and advance.

I am here to let people know that you don't have to own vinyl to be a DJ this is a new generation and with it comes new tools.

I started on turntables in 1982 because that is all there was at the time.

Now we have so many other instrument to help us advance the art-form.

I will continue to follow the DJ manufactures and demonstrated the latest and greatest equipment..

That is my mission from god...

The Vision

Whats Hanksta Up to

Currently I am working on projects with local Rappers and musicians in the Los Angeles Area.

You can see some of me work on my youtube channel.


Public Appearances

Innovative DJ Software for Apple OSX and IOS devices

Product Endorsements

With over 25 years of  DJ experience you will constantly find me demoing new and Innovative product at NAMM shows at the Anahiem Convention Center.

Or in Public scratc session through out Southern California.



The lates video which I have appeared in is the Ninja Song by SMPFilms

Google and check me out .

All scratches were done be yours truly.

Check Out Hanksta

Current Events


Innovative DJ hardware

always pushing the limits and moving the artform forward.


Stylish Innovative Headphone designs.

With quality Sound.



Scratching is my passion but I also love to make beats and Rap from time to time.

My Passions

Vestax Spin 2

Vestax Spin2 is a afordable way to venture into the DJ world and find out if being a DJ is your passion or a hobby.


reloop BEATPAD


  • Professional DJ controller for iPad, Mac and PC

  • Integrated 4 channel USB audio club interface

  • Mix millions of tracks with DJAY & Spotify instantly



Combined DJ controller and sound system allows you to mix, play and share the music you love 

Hanksta  has been doing these shows for 4 years now and I am no Rookie.

As long as the Dj Inustry continues to call upon my expertise I will continue to demonstrate new and Innovative DJ gear.

Pad Grip

Best  Independent iPad stand for DJ's

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